Geometry Garden

My Geometry Garden

We are describing the different parts of our garden and what geometry features they show. 

What type of symmetry do your flowers have?

In my garden my flowers have…

Rotational Symmetry and Reflective Symmetry

This means that…

The flower will stay the same when it is rotated or when you  fold it

What type of symmetry does your butterfly have?  

In my garden my butterfly has… 

Reflective Symmetry

This means that… 

The flower will stay the same if you put a mirror next to it.


What geometry feature does your pathway show? 

What did you do to make sure pathway?

In my garden my pathway shows…


To make my pathway I…

Keep adding the yellow and green shapes to make the box full

\This means that..

Adding the yellow and green shape

Kio Rana this week is cookisland week. This week room 1 is learning about Geometry. This task is about a geometry garden it was heaps of fun CHECK IT OUT.

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